Kathy was born, raised, and still makes her home in central Florida. She began reading at an early age and has been devouring books on a regular basis ever since. Books on fiction have always held her interest most since they allow her to exercise her ever active imagination.
Kathy began writing short stories and poems in high school where she contributed to both the Yearbook and Senior Memory Book. After graduating as valedictorian of her class, she fell into a career as an accountant, but continued to both read and write science fiction/fantasy.
In 2001 Kathy returned to her educational endeavors as a part-time student. One of her college classes was an online Creative Writing course which fired her desire to write again. Nothing serious at first, just a short story here and there. Not until 2006 when her niece, Darelle, invited Kathy to join her at a writer's convention in Bradenton, Florida, did the desire to write translate into the dream to write well enough to be published. Four years, three manuscripts, and numerous edits and revisions later, her dream has become reality.